Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Kants Theory Of Morality

Kant’s moral theories focused much more on that of reason and less on emotion†¦in fact he completely denied the role of emotion in ethics. The basis of Kant’s theories of morals and ethics lies on the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative divides into three parts which break down his theories. The first part is â€Å"an imperative that Kant expresses as requiring that a person must never perform and act unless he or she can consistently will that the maxim or principal that motivates the action could become a universal law.† (p 56) By this he means that what is wrong for you to do onto to others must be wrong for everyone, there can be no exceptions and everyone must abide by these â€Å"universal laws†. These are the moral rules that must be followed by everyone alike if they have any desire to act in a rational way. No where in this is emotion included. What are included however rationality and good judgment and decision making. Kant did not feel that emotions played a role in ethics anywhere; it is strictly what people should do to remain rational and maintain moral behavior. This is something that should come naturally for everyone and is simplistic enough for everyone to understand and obey. The second formulation of the categorical imperative states that â€Å"one must act so as to treat people as ends in themselves, never mealy as means.† (p 57) This formulation goes hand in hand with the first part and introduced the idea of being fair. What this means is that if we get over on people because we can use them and they can be our means to succeed in whatever we are attempting than it is not a good universal law unless we wish the same treatment upon ourselves. He believed that we should not use other people to get our ends fulfilled because everyone is rational and everyone has hopes and desires but to use another would be unfair and would in no way coincide with the beliefs of universal laws for all pe... Free Essays on Kants Theory Of Morality Free Essays on Kants Theory Of Morality Kant’s moral theories focused much more on that of reason and less on emotion†¦in fact he completely denied the role of emotion in ethics. The basis of Kant’s theories of morals and ethics lies on the categorical imperative. The categorical imperative divides into three parts which break down his theories. The first part is â€Å"an imperative that Kant expresses as requiring that a person must never perform and act unless he or she can consistently will that the maxim or principal that motivates the action could become a universal law.† (p 56) By this he means that what is wrong for you to do onto to others must be wrong for everyone, there can be no exceptions and everyone must abide by these â€Å"universal laws†. These are the moral rules that must be followed by everyone alike if they have any desire to act in a rational way. No where in this is emotion included. What are included however rationality and good judgment and decision making. Kant did not feel that emotions played a role in ethics anywhere; it is strictly what people should do to remain rational and maintain moral behavior. This is something that should come naturally for everyone and is simplistic enough for everyone to understand and obey. The second formulation of the categorical imperative states that â€Å"one must act so as to treat people as ends in themselves, never mealy as means.† (p 57) This formulation goes hand in hand with the first part and introduced the idea of being fair. What this means is that if we get over on people because we can use them and they can be our means to succeed in whatever we are attempting than it is not a good universal law unless we wish the same treatment upon ourselves. He believed that we should not use other people to get our ends fulfilled because everyone is rational and everyone has hopes and desires but to use another would be unfair and would in no way coincide with the beliefs of universal laws for all pe...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Marketing Campaign Planning Checklist That Will Get You Proactive

The Marketing Campaign Planning Checklist That Will Get You Proactive Plan your work. Then work your plan. ^ Thats one of my favorite quips of all time. Why, you ask? Because its simple + practical + super helpful. Proactively planning your marketing campaigns helps you: Eliminate jumping into execution without clearly defined goals (or not knowing how youll measure success). Planning provides intense focus on  growth instead of being distracted by the trivial minutia. Avoid the overwhelming nature of marketing. There is so much to do, so solid  planning helps you avoid the stress because youll become super organized. Collaborate more effectively + efficiently. Planning eliminates last-minute fire drills  and miscommunication. So how can you reap all of those benefits? Im glad you asked.  Ã°Å¸Ëœâ€° This Is The Ultimate Marketing Campaign Planning Checklist That Will Get You ProactiveGet Your FREE Marketing Campaign Planning Template (And Plan More Effectively Than Ever) Download your free marketing campaign template kit to plan  anything. Youll get: A planning template spreadsheet you can easily customize  with Excel (or upload it into Google Sheets if thats more your thing). A  content calendar PDF template to help you visually map out your publish dates. This is  especially handy for rough, high-level planning- just print, write your ideas on sticky notes, and add those to the dates so you can move things around as you map out your campaign timeline. A campaign checklist to help you remember all of the main points from this blog post. This will help you focus + make sure you dont miss anything. I recommend downloading this kit now and implementing the actionable advice youll learn throughout this post immediately. After all... amazing  ideas without solid execution  never  boost your results. Amazing ideas without solid execution  never boost your results.What Is A Marketing Campaign? (For The Sake Of Understanding Everything In This Post) Here's your marketing campaign definition: A marketing campaign  is a project consisting of multiple pieces of content or events, connected together by a unified theme, with clear start and end dates. Marketing campaign planning, then,  is the process of organizing everything behind the scenes to ensure a smooth, efficient process. Planning helps you nail every deadline  for every piece/event you publish/host within your campaign. A Few Marketing Campaign Examples Some marketing campaign examples may help illustrate this concept a little better. 1. Product Launches Has your business launched a new product or service? It's likely you didn't just publish one blog post and called it good. Product launches are great opportunities for a multi-faceted marketing campaign. The last thing you'll want to do is share the news once and  assume everyone in your audience now understands you offer something new. For product launch campaigns, you may consider: A product announcement blog post A complementary content marketing style, educational, blog post A landing page all about the new product, feature, or service Social media messages directing traffic to both blog posts + your landing page Facebook ads directing traffic to the landing page AdWords and other paid search advertising to  capitalize on purchase search intent Emails to your current customers Emails to your prospects list you've built via content marketing best practices Press releases for specific  niche publications Press release for local news media Native advertising in niche publications Product demo webinars Another blog post with the demo webinar video embedded Retargeting ads for those who've seen the news anywhere on your blog posts, landing pages, and beyond Kathryn, our Head of Product Marketing, manages product launch marketing campaigns like this all the time. Here's a screenshot of what this actually looks like mapped out on a calendar: Not all of this  content needs to ship at the same time. You can plan when each piece will publish, outline the tasks you need to complete for each,  map out the dates when each task needs to be completed, and delegate accordingly. ^ This is what you'll learn throughout this blog post. 2. Content Launches Imagine publishing a brand new course, e-book, video series, podcast, microsite, or tool. Just like a product launch, these large-scale content projects deserve more than one-and-done communication. You'll likely want to schedule: A landing page that contains the content and is optimized to convert traffic (Example: Headline Analyzer) A blog post  that shares the content (Example:  How To Write Headlines That Drive Traffic, Shares, And Search Results) A social media campaign to promote the blog post or direct traffic directly back to the landing page (or both, because... why not?) Emails to your customers to give the content away for free Emails to your prospects Emails to your friends in the industry asking them to share your content Facebook ads, paid search ads, and retargeting ads to broaden your audience well beyond  the folks who already know your business Internal links from your most popular blog posts with calls to action directing your visitors' attention to the new content Links from your new blog posts to direct traffic to the big content ^ You get the picture... You invest a lot of time + effort into large-scale content. Make the most of it by scheduling a campaign to share it long after the initial launch. For example, when recently released the Marketing Strategy Certification Course, this is what the campaign looked like: 3. Events Events often require promotion beforehand (to get attendees), during (to communicate  where  attendees need to go + what attendees need to know or do), and after (to reiterate the value of the event + convert prospects as necessary). Examples here include conferences, virtual summits, webinars, and Meetups. Your event campaign may include: Before A landing where prospects can sign up to attend Emails to customers to  influence more attendees Emails to  the email list you've built using content marketing methodology Press releases to niche publications that share  upcoming events Press releases to local media to attract local prospects Social media messages to share  the event landing page with your existing following Itinerary emails for  those who sign up to help them 1) know they made the list, and 2) select the  sessions they'd like to attend most During A mobile app with daily itineraries A print itinerary Swag bags + name cards and lanyards Wayfinding signage Presentation decks + speaking points Printed handouts to help attendees implement the advice you're providing Landing pages to give away free product + content you talk about during the event Booth materials and signage An event hashtag + a way to showcase the social messages during the event After Emails thanking attendees for coming + reminding them of the value they received from your event Emails providing additional information attendees may have requested during the event, like presentation decks and  video recordings of the event (which may also require landing pages, SlideShare decks, or YouTube videos) Emails optimized to convert attendees into paying customers An old school, physically mailed letter with a certification + swag Again, you get the idea here. Here is an example of a webinar campaign Kathryn organized when we collaborated with Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income: An event is definitely a marketing campaign with a clearly defined start and end date for each phase of the project, with all communication centered around a topic (the event itself). Use These Marketing Campaign Examples To Plan Your Own Content + Promotion Checklists You're going to learn a lot more about this throughout the campaign planning checklist. But essentially, with each of the examples above, I simply brainstormed all of the content pieces that would make sense for each campaign. You will do the same for your own marketing campaigns. It's not rocket science. But rather, identifying the content ideas that you can realistically execute to make your campaign more successful than publishing one-and-done content. If you'd like more content ideas to kick start your campaign brainstorming, read this comprehensive blog post: Recommended Reading:  113 Content Types To Organize With Your Marketing Calendar Your Marketing Campaign Planning Checklist Our CEO and Co-Founder, Garrett Moon, says... The simplest approach is often the best place to start. It's easy to let the amount of things you could do overwhelm you. And overwhelm makes it hard to start, especially because humans are naturally adverse to change. That's why the following checklist  is kinda... minimalist. I recommend NOT overcomplicating the process here simply because it doesn't have to be complicated. Based on my experience managing marketing campaigns for years, this is what I highly recommend you do (consider this a marketing campaign planning checklist): [ ] Draft The Campaign Launch Brief Your launch brief is the version of truth for the high-level communication behind the campaign. It includes: The marketing campaign idea The resources + budget The goal + how you'll measure it The speaking points A link to your content + promotion checklist A link to your high-level marketing campaign sprints A link to your marketing calendar campaign timeline + ship dates ^^^ You can simply  copy + paste that list into a Word Doc, Google Doc, or Evernote Note, then flesh  out the details. There is also a free Word Doc template in the bonus content within this blog post- you can simply download that and get started immediately. Think about these seven points as an outline that will help you easily communicate the purpose of your campaign and how you will execute it. So let's take a look into each of these points. I've found it helpful to  answer questions as a framework for clarifying your plan: [ ] Clarify The Marketing Campaign Idea Answer this: Who will this campaign benefit the most? As you  think through your audience: Try to target only one  prospective customer. If your idea is broad or you know it will benefit multiple audiences, consider planning multiple campaigns.  This will prevent you from spreading your message too thin (or sharing information one audience type just wouldn't care about). Target a  specific sub-set within your audience.  For example, if you are targeting lawyers for your campaign, which kind of lawyers will you target (e.g. corporate lawyers, estate planning lawyers, personal injury lawyers, etc.)? Write a story about why your campaign will help this audience. Fill in the blanks of the following  framework, putting yourself into your audience's shoes: As an {audience type}, I want to {do something} so that {I get a desired value}. At this point, you will also describe the project in a couple sentences or paragraph, essentially coming up with the campaign definition. Think of this as the elevator pitch for your campaign. For example, when we recently released the Marketing Strategy Certification Course, this is what the project description looked like: Staying organized is a never-ending struggle. As marketers, we live in a fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants world, and if we aren’t organized, it can feel like one fire drill after another. Well, not anymore. This course is all about getting you insanely organized and giving you the tools for real 10x growth. We’ll teach you how to prioritize the RIGHT kind of content, how to optimize it for 237% more engagement, and how to take control of your marketing strategy (not the other way around). Ready to get started? Cool. Keep scrolling. As in the example, your campaign description connects the dots between what you will provide  (e.g. the content within the campaign) and the value the audience gets (e.g. what's in it for them). You'll learn more about understanding  what your audience values in the following Speaking Points check. [ ] Know Your Resources + Budget Answer this: What kind of resources might you need to complete the campaign? As you consider this question, you will: Brainstorm the talent + people the campaign will require to be successful. For example, if you decide to build a free online tool, you may need help from a developer who is typically not on your marketing team. Now is the time to think through this roadblock and work with the right folks internally (or look for an external partner) to help you make the  campaign a reality. Make sure your marketing team has the tools it needs before you start executing. The last thing you need is to take on a  campaign only to have it come to a halt because tools weren't part of your budget. Consider the  time it may take your team to complete the project. How much can they take on given the campaigns they are currently working on? What might your  launch date be given this knowledge? Have a clear budget. You may need to work with those partners, buy tools for your team, or account for overtime your staff will take on. ^^ At this point, you are thinking high-level. These are estimations (all aside from budget, which you can clearly know for actual money you will need to buy tools or services from external vendors). The rest is  a very educated guess based on your experience. In the Content + Promotion check, you will literally map out every piece of content within a campaign, then determine who will do specific parts + how much time it will take to complete. That will help you understand  and define exactly what to expect from your resource. Right now, knowing your resources and budget at a high-level can help you get sign-off from the big wigs so they know what to expect as you take on this campaign. [ ] Define Goal  + How You'll Measure It Answer this: What results will this campaign produce? If you have  data from similar campaigns, you may be able to get to a specific figure here. This extremely detailed blog post will help you understand  what to expect from future content performance based on your historical data. If you don't have historical data on similar  campaign of this kind, it's still helpful for your team to know why you are taking on this campaign (and not something else). You can write this simply in your launch brief: The goal of our campaign is to influence {specific metric}. Now, before you launch, you will need to know how you will track the results the campaign produces. A tool  like Kissmetrics  will help you track nearly anything. Or you may opt to use Google Analytics with its Goals and Custom Reports functionality. Let's look at an example of setting up Google Analytics Goal tracking + Custom Reports to view the information. Since a majority of you likely have larger marketing goals to influence email subscriber signups from your campaigns, let's use this as an example for your goal metric for your campaign. Open Google Analytics  and click  Admin. Select Goals. Click + New Goal. Name the goal, select Destination, and hit Continue. Select Begins With for your destination, then write in the slug of the page your users see after they convert into your email list. Oftentimes, that is a specific thank you page on your website, so that's the example you're learning here. Then hit Save. It takes up to two days for Google Analytics to know you want the tool to track that metric, so give it some time. But in the meantime, let's set up a Custom Report so you can view those results when they start rolling in. Select Customization and click Custom Reports. Hit + New Custom Report. Title your custom report (I like to use the same Name from my goal). In Metric Groups, search for your goal name and select that goal's Goal Completions option from the dropdown. In Dimension Drilldowns,  search for and select Goal Previous Step - 1. Hit Save. Now once Google Analytics starts tracking your goal, you will use the Custom Report to view the pages your audience saw immediately before converting into your email list. This will help you understand which pieces of content within your campaign have been most successful (along with viewing how all of your other content is performing for this goal, too). ^^^ Essentially, now you know how you will measure your marketing campaign's success.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

2.Discuss the work of a medieval composer. Examine what is known (and Essay

2.Discuss the work of a medieval composer. Examine what is known (and what is not known) about the specific details of the composers life and what is known a - Essay Example In 1098, a tenth child was born to two wealthy members ÃŽ ¿f the nobility, Hildebert and Mechtilde, in Bockelheim, Germany. This child, a daughter, was given to the Church as a tax, and became Saint Hildegard ÃŽ ¿f Bingen, a composer, visionary, healer and author ÃŽ ¿f major theological works. In the 12th century, Hildegard ÃŽ ¿f Bingen was one ÃŽ ¿f very few female composers, and also part ÃŽ ¿f a small minority ÃŽ ¿f medieval women who could even read or write. Her visions and instruction from God were initially questioned, and she met difficulty in making many ÃŽ ¿f her visions’ instructions into reality. Hildegard ÃŽ ¿f Bingen spent her life constantly defending the validity ÃŽ ¿f her visions, while gaining a form ÃŽ ¿f fame within the western world, which was rare for a woman in that time. Although many ÃŽ ¿f her strictly literary works reinforce many traditional beliefs ÃŽ ¿f the church, her music itself, in its lyrics and actual melodic construction embodies many different, even liberal ideas and images. By studying her life, accomplishments, compositions and other works, it is clear that Hildegard ÃŽ ¿f Bingen broke many patriarchal norms within her society, and saw recognition for her work beyond that ÃŽ ¿f any other women ÃŽ ¿f her time. When Hildegard was given to the church at the age ÃŽ ¿f eight, partially because she was the tenth child which was also known as the â€Å"tithe† child for wealthy families, and was usually given to the church. Also, she was sickly in health from a very young age, and also recalls having visions at an early age, mainly a vision ÃŽ ¿f an inexplicably bright light at the age ÃŽ ¿f three. Giving a child to the church as a tax was also a respectable way for noble families to deal with physically or mentally ill children, which is quite possibly how her explanations ÃŽ ¿f her early visions may have sounded to her parents. Likely because ÃŽ ¿f those experiences at such a

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Financial Economy Crisis and Its Influence on Society Essay

Financial Economy Crisis and Its Influence on Society - Essay Example These periods in time had a demonstrable and defininitive impact upon how the economic cycle, the American dream, and risk taking came to be understood. Firstly, in order to understand the Industrial Revolution, it must be understood that this was a period of runaway growth for almost each and every industry within the United States. Although it is oftentimes tempting to assume that the Industrial Revolution was only concentric upon benefiting the moguls that owned the iron and steel mills throughout the Northeast, almost each and every sector of the American economy experienced a level of growth as a result of this point in time. However, it must also be understood that the individual worker was at a distinct disadvantage for much of the Industrial Revolution. ... ervasive spirit of the era was one that believed that the growth that was being experienced and exhibited throughout the economy could somehow continue to be sustainable in perpetuity. By way of comparison, the period of the Great Depression evidenced a distinctly different, arguably opposite, societal, economic, and political approach. As a result of the fact that there were few if any jobs, investment was drying up, trust and availability of the currency was drying up, and little if any safety net existed for the people of the era, a true level of malaise and â€Å"depression† set in and defined the era. This is of course denoted with regards to such factors as the stagnation of the labor markets and the ultimate hardship that individuals felt with regards to the outlook for â€Å"bettering their position† in life. Obivously this has a direct correlation to the extent to which the â€Å"American dream† was believed to be a reality. Due to the fact that the mean s of creating â€Å"American way of life† was all but removed, it became incumbent upon the government and political sectors of the system to intervene and express the will of the people to fix the problems that were systemically plaguing and beleaguering the system. Such a point of view is rather well represented within the famous film â€Å"It’s a Wonderful Life†. Although a complex plot is woven around different types of hardship that cannot be defined purely economically, it is the economic hardship that is the final straw in prompting the main character towards the course of action that he takes. The economic hardship and the social fabric are two elements that are extensively represented within the film and two elements that factored heavily into how the Great Depression was felt within the United States

Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Massive Resistance and how it Failed Essay Example for Free

The Massive Resistance and how it Failed Essay After the supreme court case Brown v. Board of Education ruled that public schools in the United States were to be desegregated, Senator Harry S. Byrd of Virginia led a movement called the massive resistance, which aimed to prevent any sort of integration in the school system. Although at first the ruling in the case did not specify some time frame by which schools were to be desegregated, eventually the government became more adamant about educational integration. Byrd began the movement in February of 1956, two years after Brown v. Board. This movement basically aimed to continue some form of the Jim Crow laws, which denied African Americans of their rights, some of which were guaranteed by the constitution. Byrd eventually gained support of the Virginia General Assembly, and passed laws that prevented integrated schools from receiving state funds, giving schools incentive to remain segregated. The NAACP campaigned for integration in Washington D. C., and by 1958, federal law required schools in certain cities and counties in the state of Virginia to integrate immediately. The Governor of Virginia then ordered some of these schools to close, further prolonging integration. But some white families went to the U. S. Supreme Court, because their children were denied education by the closings, and the court ordered schools to reopen. Ultimately, the intent of the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment was honored, and schools were federally required to integrate everywhere. The NAACP suing the state of Virginia on the grounds that it was not upholding the Brown v. Board ruling, and the intervention of the federal government overpowered the prejudices of Virginia’s figures of authority, and the massive resistance to integration failed. Works Cited Boydston, Jeanne. Lewis, Jan. McGurr, Michael. Making a Nation: The United States and Its People. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2003.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Signalman and The Red Room are well known examples of nineteenth :: English Literature

The Signalman and The Red Room are well known examples of nineteenth century ghost stories How effectively do the authors of â€Å"The Red Room† and â€Å"The Signalman† create a sense of suspense in the story "The Signalman" and "The Red Room" are well known examples of nineteenth century ghost stories. The Signalman by Charles Dickens was written in 1865, which was the time of developing literacy. This short story was presented in three parts as it was previously in a periodical form; this technique was also used to create suspense and therefore leaves the reader at a cliff hanger after each episode, which in turn motivates the reader to read on. There were many rumors about this story as many people suggested that Dickens wrote this story as a remembrance of the day he was involved in a railway accident which killed ten people. Furthermore, He was writing in the Victorian times, when there was a massive change in technology as new inventions were created, e.g. the Train. In comparison The Red Room was written only thirty years later in 1894 by HG Wells although it feels more timeless. At that time technology had improved intensely, nevertheless Wells still imitated the old fashion gothic literature style writing, which is ironic, due to the time. Both stories have managed to engage its audience by creating suspense and tension. Besides that both stories have been written in first person, this in sequence makes it sinister, in a way because we get to know the narrator’s impressions and feelings. The authors of both stories have selected discomforting places in which to set their story, they are made more eerie because that in the 19th century time many people believed in ghosts and the supernatural. First of all The Signalman is located in a very isolated place, as the narrator describes â€Å"as solitary and dismal a place as I ever saw† This suggest that it is a remote, despondent place which is suitable for the supernatural to exist. Before even meeting the Signalman, the narrator says â€Å"steeped in the glow of an angry sunset† and â€Å"so little sunlight that it had an earthy, deadly smell† the use of pathetic-fallacy and symbolism suggests that it’s getting dark and describes a sense of imminent death. The reader is also told it is â€Å"this great dungeon† the oxymoron used suggests confinement; a place where it’s hard to escape, this therefore makes it more sinister in a way as dungeons are dark and cold and give a sense of fear. The darkness prominently reduces visibility between the narrator and the signalman as said â€Å"'I was near enough to have touched him† and

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Importance of Documentation

The Importance of Documentation Documentation: Material, printed or electronic, that provides official information or evidence or that serves as a record. Why is documentation important? Without it there would be no record of anything. Humans have been documenting and recording important information for centuries. Information from inventory lists to details of wars, weather reports, past civilizations, and census data. As a non-commissioned officer having documentation when required is important in many aspects of my duties at work and even at home.At work there are medical files and profiles, leave paperwork, ammunition requests, forms for vehicle repairs, parts requests, dependent documents†¦ the list goes on and on but each document is important for its own unique reasons. Without medical files there would be no documentation of injuries or illnesses and what was done to treat them. What if the issue reoccurred? A physician would need the details of past treatments and medica tions to determine what the current treatment should be.A medical profile is an important document for showing proof of health or injury related limitations or restrictions to avoid causing the issue to worsen. Without properly completed and filed leave paperwork a soldier’s leave request would be denied. Other paperwork ignored or improperly completed can result in mission failure, delayed repairs, etc. Dependent documents are imperative to ensuring eligible family members receive the benefits entitled to them. The NCO Creed: No one is more professional than I.I am a Noncommissioned Officer, a leader of soldiers. As a noncommissioned officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as â€Å"the Backbone of the Army. † I am proud of the Corps of Noncommissioned Officers and will at all times conduct myself so as to bring credit upon the Corps, the military service and my country regardless of the situation in which I find myself. I will not use my grade or position to attain pleasure, profit or personal safety. Competence is my watch-word. My two basic responsibilities will always be ppermost in my mind — accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my soldiers. I will strive to remain technically and tactically proficient. I am aware of my role as a noncommissioned officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment.Officers of my unit will have maximum time to accomplish their duties; they will not have to accomplish mine. I will earn their respect and confidence as well as that of my soldiers. I will be loyal to those with whom I serve; seniors, peers and subordinates alike. I will exe rcise initiative by taking appropriate action in the absence of orders. I will not compromise my integrity, nor my moral courage. I will not forget, nor will I allow my comrades to forget that we are professionals, Noncommissioned Officers, leaders! As an NCO, as a leader of soldiers, it is my responsibility to set the standard.It is my responsibility to be the example and demonstrate that which I expect from my soldiers. Leadership, competence, responsibility, and accountability are the foundation of successful operations within the United States Military. That ability to train, prepare and lead men into combat has been a defining characteristic of our military for hundreds of years. The importance these skills cannot be underestimated. Leaders apply these skills to ensure a successful mission. Since the revolutionary war, men have been dedicating their lives to the freedom of our country.These men were part of a team that received orders from leaders about how to overcome the enem y of the day. Today’s enemy is much harder to find, but the skills needed to succeed are easily to found here within the ranks of the United States Military, the thousands of men and women giving their best to lead soldiers. The words of the NCO Creed state clearly the responsibilities of the Army’s NCO leaders and the importance of these responsibilities is beyond measure. This country’s leaders have been teaching about leadership for quite some time.As General George Washington expressed more than 200 years ago, serving as a Soldier of the United States does not mean giving up being an American citizen with its inherent rights and responsibilities. Soldiers are citizens and should recognize that when in uniform, they represent their units, their Army, and their country. Every Soldier must balance the functions of being a dedicated warrior with obedience to the laws of the Nation. They must function as ambassadors for the country in peace and war. When speaking to officer candidates in 1941, then General of the Army George C.Marshall said, â€Å"When you are commanding, leading [Soldiers] under conditions where physical exhaustion and privations must be ignored; where the lives of [Soldiers] may be sacrificed, then, the efficiency of your leadership will depend only to a minor degree on your tactical or technical ability. It will primarily be determined by your character, your reputation, not so much for courage—which will be accepted as a matter of course—but by the previous reputation you have established for fairness, for that high-minded patriotic purpose, that quality of unswerving determination to carry through any military task assigned you.Soldiers need to be able to have faith in their command to do what is right for the soldier and the country. Command is about sacred trust. Nowhere else do superiors have to answer for how their subordinates live and act beyond duty hours. Society and the Army look to commanders t o ensure that Soldiers and Army civilians receive the proper training and care, uphold expected values, and accomplish assigned missions. Having a â€Å"good† commander is vital for unit cohesion and success. In Army organizations, commanders set the standards and policies for achieving and rewarding superior performance, as well as for punishing misconduct.In fact, military commanders can enforce their orders by force of criminal law. Consequently, it should not come as a surprise that organizations often take on the personality of their commanders. Army leaders selected to command are expected to lead beyond merely exercising formal authority. They should lead by example and serve as role models, since their personal example and public actions carry tremendous moral force. Soldiers need to work in a positive environment. Many will argue that aggressive leadership inspires more work.While this may be true, the motivating factors within soldiers of such a leader are going to be less personal than those found within a soldier who respects and values his leader’s guidance. How important is character in those trying to lead? The answer is of course that character is the defining element in a successful leader. Three major factors determine a leader’s character: values, empathy, and the Warrior Ethos. Some characteristics are present at the beginning of the leader’s career, while others develop over time through additional education, training, and experience.It is essential to success that Army leaders lead by personal example and consistently act as good role models through a dedicated lifelong effort to learn and develop. The Army cannot accomplish its mission unless all Army leaders, NCOs, soldiers, and civilians accomplish theirs— whether that means presenting a medical profile upon request, filling out a status report, repairing a vehicle, planning a budget, packing a parachute, maintaining pay records, or walking guard duty . The Army consists of more than a single outstanding general or a handful of combat heroes.It relies on hundreds of thousands of dedicated NCOs, soldiers, and civilians—workers and leaders— each doing their part to accomplish the mission. Each of their roles and responsibilities may differ, but they are no less important in reaching the goal. Every leader in the Army is a member of a team, a subordinate, and at some point, a leader of leaders. The Army relies on it’s NCOs to be capable of executing complex tactical operations, making intent driven decisions, and who can operate in joint, interagency, and multinational scenarios.They must take the information provided by their leaders and pass it on to their subordinates. Soldiers look to their NCOs for solutions, guidance, and inspiration. Soldiers can relate to NCOs since NCOs are promoted from the junior enlisted ranks. They expect them to be the buffer, filtering information from the commissioned officers an d providing them with the day-to-day guidance to get the job done. To answer the challenges of the contemporary operating environment, NCOs must train their Soldiers to cope, prepare, and perform no matter what the situation.In short, the Army NCO of today is a warrior-leader of strong character, comfortable in every role outlined in the NCO Corps’ vision. NCO leaders are responsible for setting and maintaining high-quality standards and discipline. They are the standard-bearers. Throughout history, flags have served as rallying points for Soldiers, and because of their symbolic importance, NCOs are entrusted with maintaining them. In a similar sense, NCOs are also accountable for caring for Soldiers and setting the example for them. NCOs live and work every day with Soldiers.The first people that new recruits encounter when joining the Army are NCOs. NCOs process Soldiers for enlistment, teach basic Soldier skills, and demonstrate how to respect superior officers. Even after transition from civilian to Soldier is complete, the NCO is the key direct leader and trainer for individual, team, and crew skills at the unit level. NCOs have other roles as trainers, mentors, communicators, and advisors. When junior officers first serve in the Army, their NCO helps to train and mold them. When lieutenants make mistakes, seasoned NCOs can step in and guide the young officers back on track.Doing so ensures mission accomplishment and Soldier safety while forming professional and personal bonds with the officers based on mutual trust and common goals. â€Å"Watching each other’s back† is a fundamental step in team building and cohesion. An NCO is a direct leader, giving leadership that is face-to-face or first-line leadership. This leadership occurs in organizations where subordinates are accustomed to seeing their leaders all the time: teams and squads; sections and platoons; companies, batteries, troops, battalions, and squadrons. The direct leaderâ €™s span of influence may range from a handful to several hundred people.NCOs are in direct leadership positions more often than their officer and civilian counterparts. Direct leaders develop their subordinates one-on-one and influence the organization indirectly through their subordinates. To ensure that I as an NCO, in a direct leadership role, positively influence and guide the soldiers around me, I have the responsibility, the obligation, to convey the example of the ideal soldier. Character, a person’s moral and ethical qualities, the ability to determine what is right and gives a leader motivation to do what is appropriate, regardless of the circumstances.An informed ethical conscience consistent with the Army Values strengthens leaders to make the right choices when faced with tough issues. Since Army leaders seek to do what is right and inspire others to do the same, they must embody these values. As a non-commissioned officer having documentation when it is need ed is important in many aspects of my duties at work but more than that it is important for me to set an example for the soldiers looking to me for guidance.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Being a Nurse Is More Than a Job, It’s a Treasure Essay

To me, being a nurse is far more than a job or even a career. It’s an adventure, a continuous learning process that I embark on bravely each day, in search of life changing events and miracles. Touching the lives of others is a treasure chest overflowing with metaphorical gold, whether the help I provide is of great measure or remains unnoticed. The pride I hold in saying, â€Å"I’m going to be a nurse,† is immeasurable. Nursing is more than a profession of integrity and compassion, it is a privilege that measures out my values as a human being and the responsibilities granted to me with the precious gift of life. The first time I truly touched a person’s life, although the encounter was brief, was surprisingly fulfilling. A strong feeling of accomplishment and self-worth spread rapidly throughout my body and soul that no average â€Å"good deed† has ever accomplished. Nursing exceeds that average deed by far. After each experience, I’m left with an awestruck attitude of purpose, knowing that I am needed in someone’s life. By saying, â€Å"I’m going to be a nurse† each morning, I get the motivation needed to survive the awaited day ahead of me with a smile. In my opinion, nurses aren’t angels. They don’t go hand in hand with hearts and rainbows. Nursing is about providing care, yes, but that does not entail that nurses’ only purpose is to be a compassionate hand to hold on to. Nursing integrates science and care. Nurses take the knowledge they have gained from their education as well as their experience and apply it each and every day, all while, being there to comfort patients in their times of need, whether what is needed is an IV, pain medication, or an ear that will listen. Like it said in the documentary, a nurse takes advantage of opportunities, faces daily challenges, and most importantly in my eyes, is a powerful advocate for the patient. Watching this video enlightened me to the most significant responsibilities of a nurse. I’ve realized that a nurse is the liaison between the doctor and the patient. They ensure that the patient fully understands what is happening to them in their most vulnerable states. Nurses are responsible for patient education and for making sure the patient understands what the doctor tells them. Ardis Bush said just a few words that really clarified what being a nurse is  all about. She said that nurses treat the whole person, someone with feelings, someone who may cry – not just the diagnosis. In other words, doctors cure, but nurses heal. Ardis really helped me understand the difference between a doctor and a nurse. Nursing facilitates more meaningful patient interaction. I don’t want my patients to be just a statistic. I want to remember them and how strong they were emotionally when they weren’t strong physically. This video showed me that being a nurse will allow me to do just that.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Mosquitoes or Socioeconomic Ha essays

Mosquitoes or Socioeconomic Ha essays Mosquitoes or Socioeconomic Hardships? The episode of the famous witch trials was in the year of 1962, beginning in the cold, harsh, winter of New England in 1961. A group of curious, young girls, with the motivation from the household slave from West Indies, were endeavoring to see into the future by receiving messages from a raw egg in a glass filled with water. These deeds apparently resulted in outrageous behaviors performed by the girls, the authorities, and citizens of the Salem community. Who would have thought that this simple and ingenuous activity would result in such a scandal? At the commencement, of the odd demeanors shown by the young girls, accusations of witchcraft had levitated to the scene, which is what made this scandal of such high gravity. Because of the fact that Salem was governed strictly on the basis and principles of the Bible, witchcraft was obviously an austere offense and was acted upon appropriately. When these indictments were handled by the arbiters of the society, many citizens were sen t to jail and put to trial. Nineteen people of who were arraigned of witchery were tried and hanged and hundreds were sent to prison to wait for their trial, until the court proceedings were ceased, in May of 1963, by the governor of the colony, Sir William Phips, and released those who were in jail. For years and years historians have attempted to get to the bottom of the reasoning behind this ridiculous mass hysteria that swept throughout a big portion of New England. The number of explanations for the Salem witch trials is very large, which makes the subject so much more fascinating. Witchcraft accusations and trials were held before and after the ones at Salem, but usually they occurred when economic hardships, political anxiety, and/or social apprehensions were being instituted in the towns. The socioeconomic hold-ups are a part of the main justification that one of the historians uses to debate t...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Warbling and Garbling

Warbling and Garbling Warbling and Garbling Warbling and Garbling By Maeve Maddox I thought I knew the meaning of warble and garble. If asked to define them, Id say that warble means to sing melodiously and garble means to distort spoken words, or to distort the sense of something written. These definitions from the OED suggest that Im on the right track: warble: v. intr. To modulate the voice in singing; to sing with trills and quavers. In later use †¦ to sing softly and sweetly, in a birdlike manner; often merely a jocose substitute for sing. garble: v. To make selections from with a (usually unfair or mischievous) purpose; to mutilate (a statement, writing, etc.) with a view to misrepresentation. A singer might warble a song. A sound transmission might become garbled. A translator might garble a work in translation, or a sentence might become garbled when transcribed or digitalized. The words can still be found used with the meanings I recognize: Connie Francis warbles the hit title tune [Where the Boys Are]. Russias Mr. Trololo†¦may warble across America: The clip, which features Khil wordlessly warbling his way through a track †¦ has been viewed several million times on YouTube†¦ Some writers seem to be using warble when they mean garble: the person†¦proved your point with their warbled comment†¦it was difficult to even follow their train of thought the whole table began singing a warbled but hearty version of the song My head is full of warbled wordswords that don’t quite form the pictures because they are so outlandish. Sometimes warble and garble occur in tandem: Like some vamp from a bygone era, Connie Chung, the former CBS and CNN anchorwoman warbled and garbled - it cant be called singing - a farewell†¦ She [a court defendant] calls into question the violation of her constitutional right to have the proceedings interpreted when she says that she has been advised that the presiding officer warbled and garbled some interpretation to her. The process of digitalizing audio and video seems to have revived another meaning of warble in a sense that the OED labels obsolete: to vibrate, quiver; to wobble: Im wondering if people know how a lot of the warbled/warped sounds ala Boards Of Canada/Warp Records is achieved? I am just embarking on the ripping of old cassettes and the first one I popped into my deck today is warbled beyond repair. I convert a lot of old time radio shows to mp3s so I probably notice it more, but once you go below a certain level of kps, you start to get a warbled quality to the audio. [or should that be garbled?] And then there are the uses embedded in language whose overall meaning I can only guess at: When i tried to open an avi file with gxine, the picture was warbled and i got an error message I did what you suggested and it is better. The bounce to .wav played fine in the workspace. I open itunes imported the .wav then made an mp3 version in itunes. It was not as good as the .wav thinner sounding but none of the warbling like you were tweaking a flanger. Anybody know what a flanger is? Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them)What is Dative Case?Types of Ignorance

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Panic, Choke and Learn Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Panic, Choke and Learn - Essay Example Evaluators are likely to dismiss or assign scores based on their liking. Third, the success rate of the test is extremely low which raises eye-brows. If only 20% are likely to pass the test then it seems like its serving a totally different purpose other than the intended. 50% success rate would be reasoning enough if the tests were valid and reliable (Gatewood, et al., 2011). Based on the above highlighted problems reported on the selection program, a more motivating program that serves a relevant purpose should be adopted. First, the management team should devise and develop academic/mental interview questions and evaluation criteria that can assess employees on the electronic arena which is relevant to their job descriptions and not ask outrageous questions. To test for practical skills, the panel should ask the employees to perform some relevant operations using electronic equipment and replace the metal peg activity (Gatewood, et al., 2011). Also, much more transparency in the manner in which the procedure is undertaken should be enhanced such as openly printing out the results with the score criteria clearly elaborated. The union has valid arguments that can be backed up by the payment/compensation packages offered by the company. It can compare the kind of work the employees do with the remuneration. As reported, the company seeks to hire inexperienced workers so as to pay them as little as possible. Consequently, the confidentiality of the procedure is a point worth noting. The union can claim that the examinees’ results are tampered with since they are enclosed. Thirdly, the invalidity of the test questions is a strong argument to bring across as the activities asked to be performed are irrelevant with the nature of work. This is an indication that there is a hidden motive (Gatewood, et al., 2011). To ascertain that the aged worker was discriminated against, information about the eliminatory process in the program that sought to